Gundam Seed Destiny Modeling Competition 2006

A Gundam model kit competition was held at Mid Valley Megamall from 31 May 2006 to 11 June 2006. The theme of the competition was Gundam Seed Destiny, which means all kits that took part had to be from the Gundam Seed Destiny series. The competition was organized by Litt Tak Sdn. Bhd., the local distributor for Bandai.

The turn out at the competition was not bad although I was expecting/hoping for more entries. Some kits are really great and show tremendous creativity in term of details and color scheme.

One kit that attracted most of the attention was the perfect grade Freedom, yeah, you heard me right, perfect grade Freedom. This kit is huge and is the biggest among all the other kits. Another kit worth mentioning is called The Last Gate. This kit is for display only and did not take part in the competition as it is not from the Gundam Seed Destiny series. This kit however, was the champion at BAKAC (Bandai Action Kits Asia Competition) 2005.

Below are some of the kits that took part in the competition.

All pictures were taken with the Fujifilm Finepix S9500. Click on an image to view larger version.


The perfect grade Freedom
This is a kit for display only
This is another kit for display only. This is The Last Gate

Written by Ken on June 13th, 2006 with no comments.
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